Monday, March 9, 2009

Water Pollution by Yi Chongwen 4 Kindness


The environmental issue that I will focus on is water pollution. I choose this topic because it has brought my attention that water pollution can cause degrade in the quality of the water and a harmful affect for living things that live in it. By polluting the water, which is the liquid of life, we are actually harming ourselves. For example, drinking the polluted water may result to being poisoned by the heavy metals and toxic chemicals in it.

Water pollution is normally caused by industrial affluents. Water that has been used is production processes are discharged into the rivers and lakes. The water may contain acid, poisons, oils and sometimes harmful bacteria. It may also be caused by inadequately treated sewages and domestic farm wastes because they are allowed to pollute rivers and dams in many places.

Photo Gallery

Picture 1

Sewage and industrial waste flows into the United States from Mexico as the New River flows from Mexicali, Baja California to Calexico, California.
I feel it is relevant to the topic because it shows us that a river looks like when it is polluted.

Picture 2

The above picture shows a polluted river in the U.K.

I feel it is relevant to the topic because it shows us how dirty the water is when it is polluted, and tells us that white plastic sheets floating on it can also pollute the water.

Picture 3

This picture shows the growth of the green algae in the Tai Lake (in Jiangsu, China) due to the water polluted by industrial waste water from the factories near the river.
I feel it is relevant to the topic because it reflects what might happen if people release harmful pollutants into the river. The water was so nutritious that a large amount of green algae began to grow in it, and thus the water turned into green in color.

Picture 4

A manhole cover was blown off by a sanitary sewer overflow.
I feel it is relevant to the topic because the domestic sewage may result to disease of human and animals. High level of pathogens can grow in the inadequately treated domestic sewage.

Picture 5

The above picture shows dead fish lying pitifully in a polluted river.

I feel it is relevant to the topic because it reminds us of the poor animals which have died because of people. It is such a pitiful sight that makes us realize that it is urgent for people to protect our environment.

The problems associated with water pollution have the capabilities to disrupt life on our earth to a great extent.

There are actually very little fresh water on Earth and now are polluting it. Water is the liquid of life and it can influence whether human can continue to exist on earth or not.

To prevent water pollution, many governments have passed laws to prevent water pollution. We must realize that water pollution is no longer a small issue. People should close the factories that release harmful pollutants into the rivers, lakes and oceans, or treat the industrial water before releasing.

We can also do our own part in preventing water pollution. We do not use plastic bags, or use them as less as possible. We must not throw rubbish into the water. We should plant more trees and preserve the existing trees and plants.

The pictures above tell us water pollution is no longer a small issue. More and more countries have realized the water pollution is an urgent issue. More and more people are trying to conserve the water resources that we have. Everyone must know that an intelligent person is wise enough not to pollute our environment.

Let’s take action – save the Earth before it is too late!

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