Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Global Warming By Andrew Tan 4Loyalty

This picture depicts a bushfire in Victoria, Australia. It has killed more than 200 people.

Picture 1: A recent bushfire in Victoria, Australia.

This picture depicts the glaciers melting rapidly. It has started to melt because of the extreme weather conditions.

Picture 2: The glaciers are melting rapidly.

Some cities are being flooded by the rising sea levels.

Picture 3: Due to the melting glaciers, some cities are being flooded.

The Earth is simply getting too hot!!

Picture 4: Earth is getting too hot!

The melting glaciers of Alaska.

Picture 5: The melting glaciers in Alaska.


The environmental issue that I would be addressing today is Global Warming. We sit in this classroom today and look around us and we feel safe and unaffected. Global Warming is somewhere else and affect somebody else, and will not affect me. WRONG!
I chose this issue because I feel that Global Warming affects all living things on Earth now and in the future. The damage done by the human race over the last 200 years has accelerated the degradation of the natural environment on Earth.


Global warming causes many problems for everything on Earth now and in the future. The damage done by the human race over the last 200 years has accelerated the degradation of the natural environment on Earth. Due to the melting glaciers in Alaska, countries like Netherlands are suffering floods while over the other side of the world, Australia is suffering a drought.

5 Pictures

I feel these pictures are relevant because some of them are the causes of Global Warming while the others are results of Global Warming.


Mankind can help save the environment part by reusing, recycling and reducing. We could also drive our cars less, use less plastic bags, do not waste electricity, water, food, etc.

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