Monday, March 9, 2009

Global Warming by Brian Tan 4 Loyalty

Photo 1 depicts the earth being cooked in a barbeque pit, with fossil fuels keeping the fire burning. This picture serves to remind us that every time we burn fossil fuels for energy, we are actually burning up Earth.

Photo 2 depicts a polar bear that is balancing precariously on a small block of ice which is slowly melting away. Global warming has caused much of the ice on Earth to melt away, gravely endangering the natural habitats and lives of animals like polar bears, penguins and walruses. Some polar bears, tired from swimming, drown in the sea when they cannot find any ice patch to land on. The ice that melts away causes the sea level to rise and results in serious floods.

Photo 4 depicts how a mountain has lost its snow cap over a period of seven years. Global warming is changing earth’s landscape and this in turn affects the plants and animals on Earth. Some animals that used to live on the snow mountain may die and become extinct as a result of their environment becoming too warm for their survival.

Photo 5 depicts how global warming can make living conditions unbearable for mankind. Some countries experience prolonged and unusually cold winters while some countries suffer from a lack of rainfall, droughts and/or bushfires. Extreme temperatures affect agriculture and fishing too. When crops do not grow well or lakes and seabed dry up, prices of vegetation and seafood increase due to a lack of supply.

Photo 5 depicts the air being polluted when fossil fuels are burned and harmful gases (carbon dioxide, methane and nitrogen oxides) are emitted. The greenhouse effect makes the earth appropriate for people to live on. Without the greenhouse gases, Earth would be burning hot during the day without any gases to filter the sun’s heat and light; and freezing cold during the night without any gases to trap the heat on Earth. However, problems arise when too much greenhouse gases are trapped and cannot get out of Earth’s atmosphere – temperature on Earth start to rise, causing plants and animals to die.
The environment issue that will be discussed is global warming. I chose this issue because I fear that the Earth that we live on will one day burn up. When this happens, human will become extinct as there is no other planet for us to live on.

Global warming is an increase in the temperature on Earth’s surface. One of the main factors contributing to a rise in Earth’s temperature is human consumption of fossil fuels. Almost all the energy we use today comes from fossil fuels. There are three main types of fossil fuels – coal, oil and natural gas. Coal comes mainly from plants which grew on land, while oil and natural gas come from microscopic organisms that lived in the sea about 300 million years ago. Fossil fuels provide a huge amount of energy, but they are also non-renewable and will soon run out. When fossil fuels burn, they also release gases like carbon dioxide, methane and nitrogen oxides. These gases, trapped in Earth’s atmosphere, pollute the air and damage our planet.

I feel these photos are relevant because they show the effects that global warming has on Earth.

Burning of fossil fuels gives rise to another cause of global warming – trapping of greenhouse gases in Earth’s atmosphere.
Another cause of global warming is the cutting down of trees. Trees and other plants take in carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, and gives out oxygen. With fewer trees, more carbon dioxide is left on Earth, making the earth warmer.

I feel that mankind can do something to save Mother Earth. Simple things like using less paper, driving only when necessary, taking public transport, recycling are little efforts that can go a long way. When we use less paper, we cut down fewer trees. Trees take in the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and their roots keep soil in place to prevent soil erosion. When we drive less and take more public transport, we reduce our need for petrol and minimize the emission of harmful gases to the environment. We recycle to reduce the need to produce more things like plastic bottles, hence cutting down on our need for energy. Man can also turn to solar energy and hydroelectric energy to generate electricity. These sources of energy are renewable and non-polluting to the environment.

There is no guarantee that global warming can be stopped entirely. However, we can at least slow it down. Remember, our lives on Earth may be short, but our future generations will continue to live on Earth. So, it is important that we take good care of Earth.

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