Monday, March 9, 2009

Global Warming by Cedric Tay 4Loyalty

Uh oh, this is seriously uncool, I mean, just look at the fumes!

The picture is relevant because it shows how much fumes the industry spews out every minute.

Ta-da! A polar bear doing a balancing act……in the middle of the North Pole?Not funny at all. The picture is relevant because it shows the dangerous plight of the poor polar bears in the North Pole.

A large part of an enormous glacier crashing down.
This shows that the glacier is melting like an ice-cream on a hot day! The picture is relevant because it shows that the glaciers and ice-burgs are melting drastically.

Ha, ha, very funny, but when it really happens, don’t come crying for your mummy. The picture is relevant because it shows that the sea level rise is caused by global warming and it will destroy people and property.

You are about to be fried alive if you don’t do something soon. The picture is relevant because it shows that the Earth is practically frying up.

The environmental issue that will be discussed in the following is about global warming. I chose this issue because I feel that it is important and needs to be highlighted as it concerns everyone on Earth. Global warming is an extremely serious matter for the earth and its inhabitants, that is, you and me! It is a major problem due to the industrialization and progress by humankind. There has been a hue and cry about global warming ever since the idea was first put forward. Here is one of some theories that have evolved.

According to the solar variation theory, the sun has been gaining strength and is at its strongest since sixty years. Therefore, it may now be acting as a cause of global warming. Global warming has been and is being caused due to a various number of factors. It is basically a change in the climatic conditions of the earth. It affects everyone and everything like animals, Man, Mother Nature, etc.

Polar bears, for instance, are most affected as their homeland, the North Pole, is practically melting down. Glaciers are cracking and icebergs are melting.

How can we slow down global warming? What can we do?

We can try to reduce Global Warming by

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