Monday, March 9, 2009

Pollution in the Singapore Seas and Beaches by Justin Loh 4 Kindness

The above photo shows a school boy picking rubbish on the beach. It is relevant to the topic because the people are putting their plan into action. I feel happy because there people who care enough to help like this

The above photo shows an oil spill at the East Coast Park. It is relevant to the topic because it pollutes the seas and is harmful to sea creatures.

The environmental issue that I will focus on is pollution on beaches and seas. I chose this photo because I feel quite upset and it pollutes seas and beaches. It hurts and makes the whole world worse for everyone especially animals in the seas and beaches. I think the plants there may wilt and die too from the chemicals of the rubbish.

The seas receive a lot of human waste, whether it is by dumping or by natural run-off from the land. Also, rubbish discarded at sea is often washed ashore onto our beaches, polluting the coastline. There are also other kinds of sea pollution such as oil spills and sewage waste. It is also caused by people leaving rubbish behind when the rubbish bin is only a few metres away.
One of the solutions for this problem is teach people not to litter and to put their rubbish in the bins. What we can do to solve the problem is to work together to clear up the beaches.

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