Monday, March 9, 2009

Global Warming by Yip Sze Kay 4Kindness

The above picture shows people planting trees. I feel it is relevant to the issue as tree planting is a way to help slow down global warming.

The above picture shows three wind turbines. I feel that they are relevant to the issue as they do not emit carbon dioxide and are an environmentally friendly alternative power source.

The above picture shows a polar bear foraging for food on dry ground. I feel it is relevant to the issue because as the ice melts due to global warming, the natural habitats of polar bears are being destroyed as well.

The above picture shows Antarctic ice melting. I feel it is relevant to the issue as melting of ice is a severe result of global warming.

The above picture shows pollution from factories. I feel it is relevant to the issue as pollution is one of the main causes of global warming.

The environmental issue I will focus on is global warming. I chose this because it affects the earth.

Global warming

The increase in the earth’s temperature is known as global warming. The average temperature of the earth has risen 0.4 to 0.8 degrees Celsius since the late 18th century, and is estimated to rise by another 1.4 to 5.8 degrees Celsius by the 21st century.

Causes of global warming

The above picture shows pollution from factories. I feel it is relevant to the issue as pollution is one of the main causes of global warming.Human activities are responsible for most of the warming. The burning of fossil fuels and the clearing of land are the main activities that contribute to global warming. Most of the burning occurs in vehicles, factories, and electrical power plants. The burning of fossil fuels produces carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas that slows the escape of heat into space. Carbon dioxide is removed from the air by trees and other plants. However, many plants are cleared away during the clearing of land, hence contributing to the build-up of carbon dioxide by reducing the rate at which the gas is removed from the air. The increase in energy given off by the sun also adds on to global warming, but it does not contribute much.

The impact of global warming

The above picture shows Antarctic ice melting. I feel it is relevant to the issue as melting of ice is a severe result of global warming.If global warming continues, it can have a damaging effect on the environment. It could melt enough ice to cause a rise in the sea level. As the sea level rises, animals will be forced to move and look for new habitats. The spreading of human disease and declining of crop yields could occur in certain parts of the world.

Weather patterns could also change due to the imbalance in temperatures, causing an increase in floods and droughts.

Alternative sources of power

The above picture shows three wind turbines. I feel that they are relevant to the issue as they do not emit carbon dioxide and are an environmentally friendly alternative power source.Alternative sources of power that does not emit carbon dioxide include wind power, solar power, and underground steam. Wind power can be converted to electric energy by using a device known as a wind turbine. Solar power can be converted to electric energy using solar cells. Energy in underground steam can be turned into electric energy by using geothermal power plants.

Steps to slowing down global warming

The above picture shows people planting trees. I feel it is relevant to the issue as tree planting is a way to help slow down global warming.We can help slow down global warming by using the car less and planting trees. Burning of petrol, a fossil fuel creates carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas that is harmful to the environment. Trees and other plants remove carbon dioxide from the air. By planting a tree, you are helping to remove some of this harmful gas. Taking shorter showers can also help save the environment, as doing this saves electricity.


The earth is where we live, and it is our home. If we do not try to stop global warming, the entire earth could become a wasteland. Even though it is already too late to save the environment, if we all take steps to slow it down, the earth can still stay a clean, healthy place.

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