Monday, March 9, 2009

Global Warming by Wen Yuen 4 Kindness

This picture depicts the sun shining brightly onto the Earth. I feel that it is relevant to the issue because the temperature will continue to increase on the Earth if we do not stop it.
This picture depicts a polar bear standing on ice. I feel that it is relevant to the issue because polar bears and other animals living in the Earth would be severely affected by global warming as ice caps would melt and decrease in area.

This picture depicts a sports car racing. I feel that it is relevant to the issue as cars are one of the causes why there is global warming. Cars let out carbon dioxide from their exhaust pipes and carbon dioxide trap heat.

This picture depicts fish swimming in the water. I feel that it is relevant to the issue as the ecosystem would be severely affected by global warming. Lots of animals would become endangered or extinct.

This picture depicts an advertisement encouraging us to stop global warming. I feel that it is relevant to the issue because a lot of advertisements are encouraging us to stop global warming.

The environmental issue that I would focus on is global warming. Global warming is an increase in Earth’s average temperature.

I chose this issue because global warming has already lasted for many years. The average temperature in 2005 has increased 0.18oC since 1905. The greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane are responsible for global warming. Increasing global temperature will cause sea levels to rise and will change the pattern of rain. It will also increase extreme weather events and will also cost a lot of other problems.
Human activities have caused most of the warming as global warming cannot be caused by natural causes alone.
The main greenhouse gases on Earth are water vapour (36 – 70%), carbon dioxide (9 – 26%), methane (4 – 9%) and ozone (3 – 7%). Some people are planting trees in order to remove carbon dioxide on the Earth. Global temperature might continue to increase over 2100. The latest IPCC report indicates that global temperature may rise 1.1 to 6.4 degrees Celsius during the 21st Century. There are some things we are unsure about. One of them includes how warming will vary from region to region. The monthly carbon dioxide measuring indicates that Northern late spring, the amount of carbon dioxide reaches its maximum. Carbon dioxide concentrations are expected to continue to rise due to ongoing burning of fossil fuels and land-use change. The IPCC gives a wide range of estimations, ranging from 541 to 970 ppm of carbon dioxide in the 2100s. Records indicate that the poles have been retreating. An increase in global temperatures may in turn cause more changes, including glacial retreat, Arctic shrinkage, and worldwide sea level rise.
Although global warming can help crops grow better and less people dying because of cold temperatures, but global warming is still a very serious matter for us to look into. There has been discussion in several countries about the cost and benefits of adopting alterative energy sources in order to reduce carbon emissions. There are a lot of issues caused by global warming. It includes ocean acidification, global dimming and ozone depletion. We must work together and stop global warming.

Global warming is a very serious matter and we, as Earthlings must try to stop it from progressing. We need to limit the number of cars, limit electricity production by not using so much electricity. We can use public transport or cycle to travel.

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