Monday, March 9, 2009

Deforestation by Yong Cheng Hoa 4 Loyalty

The envoironmental issue that will be discussed in the following is deforestation.I chose this issue because I feel it is a serious world threat.

The photographs i have picked depicts forests being cut down or burnt for agriculture(food),clearing of land for housing,logging for furniture,etc,etc,etc.The second photo depicts a tree that has been marked for deforestation.

It is relevant to the issue because it shows the devastation deforestation can cause.

Carpet of trees......?(more like mass destruction.)

Now for the statistics.Africa is suffering twice the world rate of deforestation as 90%of Africa's forests have been completely wiped out.

Ethopia only has 11.9% of its land forested as over the last 50 years, 98% of its forestefd regions are gone.

And since the arrival of mankind 2000 years ago,Madagascar has lost over 90% of its forested lands.

Nice view,huh?(but the tree's going down

soon(in a different way from the sun))

And according to the FAO(Food and Agriculture Organization),Nigeria is suffering the highest deforestation rate in the world since over half of its primary forests are gone through the last 5 years.

And ever since the Vikings settled in Iceland in the ninth century,95% of its forest covering at least 25% of its land is gone.

And,due to deforestation,the Atlantic Rainforest has been reduced to just 7% of its original size.

Fall,mighty forest(more to come boys,

deforesters are here)

In 2008,Brazil has announced a record rate of deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest,there,deforestation has increased by 69% since 2007.And according to the WWF(Worldwide Fund for Nature),by 2030,if this rate of deforestation continues,nearly 60% of the Amazon Rainforest will be wiped out or severely damaged.

According to the FAO,Vietnam has the second highest rate of deforestation after Nigeria.

Forest Lacanja fried...........

And finally,if these rates of deforestation continues,all of Indonesia's forests will be gone in 10 years.

As you can see,if these rates of deforestation goes on,not only will there be no forest then,but much more animals like the passenger pigeon,Cardina parakeet,ivory-billed woodpecker and Bachman's Warbler will be extinct.

Good day to all of you guys!

Chop,Chop,Chop,will it ever stop?

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