Monday, March 9, 2009

Global Warming by Justin Foo 4 Loyalty

Rising sea levels will also cause our homes to be destroyed, as shown in Picture 1. We can tell from the picture that the rising sea levels can cause severe flooding, Waves created by the floods can storm into our land and destroy our homes. It will be so sad if one day, we may have no homes to live in. It is relevant because it shows the disastrous impact from global warming.

Global warming has resulted in rising sea levels,
flooding lands and destroying homes.

Picture 2 depicts the effects of Deforestation. Deforestation is caused because we have been cutting away too much trees in the forest to clear the land for other uses. By cutting away the trees, we do not have enough natural trees to produce oxygen and provide us with shelter to cool down the Earth's temperature. The result is we do not have sufficient clean air and shelter, causing the Earth’s temperature to rise. In turn, the intense heat from global warming has resulted in more forest fires. It is relevant because it shows one of the results of global warming.

The intense heat from global warming
has caused disastrous forest fires.

As the Earth gets warmer, the glaciers will melt, causing rising sea levels. This will destroy the natural habitat of many living things. Picture 3 depicts the polar bear losing its home as there is no land for it to live in. What has happened was that due to global warming, the glaciers have melted into waters, covering the land and taking away the places that the polar bear can live in. It may seem funny to see the polar bear standing on a small piece of land, but it is actually a disaster to the polar bear population who have no place to live. It is relevant because it shows how global warming affects everybody.

The poor polar bear losing
its home due to global warming.

Picture 4 depicts the process of the Greenhouse Effect. As we know, the Sun provides the Earth with the heat and energy it needs. In turn, the Earth releases back the energy into space. The greenhouse effect happens when the gases in the Earth trap the energy instead of releasing it back into space, warming the Earth's environment. Due to increasing industrialisation, more gases are being produced, which means more energy is trapped and the result is global warming. It is relevant because it explains how global warming takes place.

Energy produced from the Sun is trapped in the Earth by various types of greenhouse gases,resulting in global warming.

Picture 5 depicts the results of air pollution from factories. Air pollution refers to the contamination of clean air as factories produce smoke during their production hours and cars generate smoke from their engines. The smoke contains a lot of carbon dioxide which is trapped in the Earth's atmosphere, causing unclean air and trapping heat, resulting in higher temperature. It is relevant because it shows one of major causes for global warming.

Factories are producing large amounts of
smoke causing air pollution.

The environmental issue that will be discussed in the following is Global Warming.
Global warming refers to the increase in the Earth's average temperature. Global warming is caused by a phenomenon known as the greenhouse effect. A Greenhouse is an environment which is good for growing things because it traps heat inside and stays hotter than the atmosphere around it. It was good in the past as it kept the Earth warm for us to live in. However, now the Greenhouse effect refers to the Earth getting too warm, as we are trapping too much heat within the Earth's atmosphere through certain types of gases such as carbon dioxide. This is caused by a number of factors such as deforestation,air pollution and littering. I feel that the pictures are relevant because they explain how global warming takes place, the causes for it and some of the disastrous impact from global warming.
In order to overcome the issue, all of us must play our part to save the Earth. We can do so by not wasting energy unnecessarily such as cutting down on our usage of electricity, not littering the environment, and keeping our environment clean and green. We should also preserve our natural habitat and not cut down the trees so that less greenhouse gases will be produced. If global warming is not controlled, it will change our lives for the worse as the whole mother Earth could be destroyed, terminating all our lives permanently.

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