Monday, March 9, 2009

Forest Fires by Isaac Lee 4 Kindness

This picture depicts a rather small fire. The leaves of the trees surrounding it are still not completely burnt. It is relevant to the issue because it shows you the middle stages of a forest fire.

This picture depicts another forest fire. This time, it is a much bigger one. The flame is so tall that even the camera cannot capture the height. It is relevant to the picture because it shows you the true intensity of the fire.

This picture depicts yet another forest fire. It is still quite small, burning on dried grass. It is relevant to the issue because this shows you the first and foremost stages of a forest fire and the first fuel it feeds on.

This picture shows a forest fire in Australia. In the background, a gigantic forest fire rages and engulfs the surrounding trees. Just a single tree is left, waiting for the fire to burn it. The picture is relevant to the picture because it shows you how huge a forest fire is.

This picture is actually three pictures. The main one is the second picture I have talked about. The upper left hand corner shows the main road during a forest fire. The upper right picture shows the part of Australia that was affected by it. It is relevant to the issue because it not only shows what a forest fire looks like, but where the forest fire happened.

The environmental issue that I will be addressing you today is forest fires. I chose this issue because of the recent Australia bushfires. I also chose this issue to warn the dangers of forest fires.

Forest Fires

Australia is the most common place on Earth where there are forest fires. Why? The forests in Australia are so dry. They are humongous, gigantic, red-hot flames. According to a recent newspaper article in The Straits Times dated 24 February 2009, 95% of Singaporean bushfires this year are caused by carelessness. Be it lit cigarettes or not completely put out charcoal stoves. Some forest fires happen naturally. This happens when in the undergrowth it gets so hot that it starts a fire or the climate is naturally dry, as I have already said. Some are also started by arson. But, it has one good cause. The mountain ash tree seeds only sprout when there is a forest fire, bringing some life in the forest.

What we can do to stop some forest fires from happening is to stop smoking. We can also not bring charcoal stoves to cook in the forests. If you must, make sure to not leave it unattended and put it out completely. Thank you.

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