Monday, March 9, 2009

Recession by Duncan Lam 4Loyalty

Photo Journal

1. The environmental/social issue that will be discussed in the following is recession.

I chose this issue because I feel sad that people are losing their jobs and money.

2. Recession is the result of the loss of jobs. Loss of property is a cause of recession.


GDP shrinks for the 1st time in 10 years; Car makers need 10 million bailout.

This photo depicts a stockbroker mourning about all her client’s money which she has lost and she thinks that she will be fired.

French protesters clash with riot police in Athens on Dec.18 in the midst of the economic crisis.

This photo depicts a whole bunch of people who are rioting with the police because of the bad economy.

The economy is plunging rapidly.

This photo depicts a skier sliding down on a mountain. And that mountain is actually the index of the economy. The skier represents where the economy is right now. Since the skier is plunging down really fast, which means the economy is real bad and we are losing a lot of money.

More newspaper ads are showing up looking for employment.

This photo depicts a notice board with a lot of newspaper ads which are people who are looking for jobs.

Less people are going to hotels for a holiday because of the recession.

This photo depicts a hotel. It means less people are going to hotels.


Recession is bad and it makes people suffer.

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