Monday, March 9, 2009

Singaporeans' behaviour by Jeremy Lee 4 Loyalty

Does this picture look familiar to you? The above picture shows many Singaporeans shuffling other Singaporeans in queues just to get to the counter first.

This picture shows a family queuing up early in the morning to go to they are the safari and think they are the first but they do not know that there are many people inside, queuing.

The above picture shows a lady waiting for a train, she is standing, and blocking commuters from coming out from the train.

This picture shows how much litter some Singaporeans throw,

expecting the cleaner to help them clean it up.

This picture shows that some Singaporeans think the staircase lobby is the rubbish dump.

I think that the five pictures are relevant. The first picture is relevant to the issue as it shows how Singaporeans like to push and shove, the second, as Singaporeans do not like queues and queue up early before an event starts. The third is because most Singaporeans are quite impatient when waiting for MRTs and tend to stand very close to the yellow line, the third as Singaporeans like to litter. The fourth is as most Singaporeans are lazy and do not bother to throw their rubbish into the rubbish bins provided but instead throw them onto the floor and the fifth is as most Singaporeans do not have the habit of throwing their bulks of rubbish into the big dumpster outside their flats (For HDB).

My conclusion is that everyone should be more considerate and try to stop being selfish and stop behaving badly. Please try to stop bad behaviour, everyone.

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